Hello, and welcome to Camino. We hope to have answers to all of your questions here. If you have other questions, or would like to know more, we’d love to hear from you. Please just click the button to the side here to chat, or you can contact us in other ways here

Who is Camino?

Camino was founded in California in 2019 by Duncan Orrell-Jones and Bill Gross. Bill and Duncan had both been frustrated by the poor quality and lack of technology offered to their parents. They knew that senior adults still want to have fun, look stylish, and age well, so they created Camino to help you get the most out of your life. You can see more about our story here

What is Camino?

Camino is a Smart Walker, and it’s so much more than a traditional walker. Camino’s power gives you a gentle boost uphill, while braking gives you confidence downhill. We worked with over a thousand users, carers, and clinicians to develop Camino’s features, including narrow mode for tight spaces, and under table mode to park your Camino near you in restaurants, or even pop it in the overhead bin on flights. But that’s just the beginning of Camino’s magic! We’re using artificial intelligence (AI) to track how you walk with 22 different gait metrics. This opens a whole new window in to your health and stability. You can see more about our features here

What is the Camino Waitlist?

Waitlist members will enjoy early access to Camino's when they become available. And exclusive time limited discounts.

How much does Camino cost?

Our normal retail price for the Camino One will be $2,999. We will offer time limited exclusive discounts to members of our Waitlist.

Is Camino covered by my insurance?

We are currently working with insurers and are in the process of planning clinical trials to provide evidence of Camino’s potential to reduce the risk of falls. As this is a time-consuming process, Camino devices are not yet covered by insurance. However, a Camino can be yours with monthly fees as low as $35 for those who join our waitlist.

Where are Caminos made?

Camino is based in Pasadena, CA, and our devices are designed and assembled in California.

Parts are sourced and manufactured from around the world. Our team of Data Scientists are based in the US, Belgium, and the UK. Our robotics, electrical, and mechanical engineers are based on the West Coast of the United States.

What are Caminos made of?

Camino devices are of cutting-edge materials, including carbon fiber and machined aluminium. Camino’s lithium ion battery is certified safe for air travel and use in medical facilities (UN38.3 and IEC 6133-2). Inside the Camino device, computers use artificial intelligence to track and measure your gait.

How long does it take to charge Camino?

The battery can be fully charged in one hour. Please ensure you only use the approved Camino charger.

How long does the battery last?

A battery charge is designed to last for a whole day’s worth of walking. The battery is designed to last for at least two years. Should you encounter any problems with the battery within two years of purchase, we will replace it for free. In the unlikely event that the battery runs out, you can still use the walker as a traditional walker with the manual brake.

Collapsible row

Can I take Camino on an airplane?

Yes, you can. Camino’s lithium ion battery is certified safe for air travel and use in medical facilities (UN38.3 and IEC 6133-2). The Camino One is tested in ISO 17050 certified labs and and compliant with FCC EMC and EMI regulations and IEC 60601-1-2.

What is “gait,” anyway?

Gait is the movement you use to walk. Camino’s AI captures 22 different gait metrics for every step you take. From this information, we can start to understand the quality of how you walk, and in time, we hope to use the metrics we gather to predict fall risk increases and the early onset of many medical conditions, enabling earlier and better interventions.

Are there any weight/height restrictions for Camino users?

Camino has a user weight limit of 225 lbs. Regarding height, it will depend on a number of factors. Duncan is 6ft 6 and finds Camino's comfortable.

If my Camino breaks, how do I get it repaired?

Relax, we've got you covered. In the unlikely event that Camino breaks, we provide a limited two year warranty. We will collect your Camino. Provide a replacement device whilst its repaired. And deliver the Camino back to you.